Tralaer FAQ


Below you will find answers to the most relevant Frequently Asked Questions for buying and selling Tralaer NFT Artwork.

If you have a specific question regarding Tralaer NFT artwork packages that is not listed below please contact Tralaer here

Tralaer uses the NFT marketplace to sell his NFT’s.

You can visit the main profile page and the individual collections pages using the links below.

Thank you and congratulations in investing in one of the Tralaer NFT Artwork packages!

Please read the Owners Info Page to familiarise yourself with all of the details.

Next send me an email using the Tralaer Contact Form and I will guide you through a secret process so that we can confirm that you are indeed the buyer of your NFT at which point we can make sure that you receive all of the elements of your NFT package including your physical artwork. (Details of this simple security step will be provided by email)

Read the information on the Tralaer Bespoke Artwork page and then use the contact form to send me an email describing what you have in mind in as much detail as possible. I will reply to you with any additional questions and details of how to move forwards.

Thank you and congratulations in investing in one of the Tralaer NFT Artwork packages!

There are TWO different methods to use. Pick the one that applies to your situation.

Tralaer Digital Only NFT

If you purchased one of the “digital only” NFT’s then you can simply follow the instructions on the web site for selling your NFT. Here is a link to the page:

Here is another good article describing the selling process on

Tralaer Digital NFT with Physical Artwork Package

In this case you will be following the same steps as above for selling a digital NFT and you will also have to complete two additional steps.

The two additional steps are the same ones that you went through when you purchased your Tralaer Physical Artwork NFT package.

  1. Communicate with the buyer to confirm that the person you are sending the physical artwork to and giving the links for the downloads of digital art is indeed the REAL BUYER. Contact me using the contact form and I will provide you with a PDF outlining each step for you to follow.
  2. Make arrangements to deliver the physical artwork to the buyer as outlined on the Owners Info Page

Buying and selling of NFT’s on is simply a crypto wallet to crypto wallet transaction facilitated by the Opensea platform.

The extra steps are only needed when there is a physical element and an/or additional digital download element that is outside of the opensea platform. The first step is security to make sure the right person is receiving the package and the second step is delivering the package which is something that happens in all traditional physical artwork sales.

Please contact me if you have any additional questions.

The buyer ALWAYS pays the shipping costs and the seller arranges the shipping. The buyer will need to coordinate with the seller to give shipping details and to get the shipping payment amount and payment instructions.

If you do not already have an account you can visit the page below and follow the instructions to set up your “Crypto Wallet” such as Metamask.

You then use your crypto wallet to log into

Once you have your crypto wallet you can buy and transfer ETH (The Ethereum blockchain currency) to your wallet and buy your NFT’s on

Here is the link to get you started:

Buying and selling NFT’s is fairly straightforward. I advise that you please research the steps and to the point that you are confident in making first and subsequent NFT transactions. There are many articles and YouTube videos which describe the process in detail.

I wish you a wonderful experience in buying and selling your chosen NFT’s has a VERY comprehensive help center and I highly suggest that you get answers to all of your questions so that you are fully informed and ready for your NFT journey.